Center ror Reconciliation Studies @UniBonn

Bonn Center of Reconciliation Studies

At the Center for Reconciliation Research, researchers from various disciplines in the humanities and text sciences work together to develop an empirically based concept of "reconciliation" and a theory to explain reconciliation processes.

Research Objectives

When, why and how is "reconciliation" achieved in different cultures - after a ceasefire or a first public commitment to peace? How are the terms “reconciliation” and “peace” used in different cultural and historical contexts, when and why? Scientists research these questions and develop a "parternalism-free" working definition of "reconciliation" that enables a dialogue with the cooperation partners and future-oriented cooperation in the field of development policy. Learn more here.


Dichterinnen der Rache oder der Versöhnung?
Schauspielhaus Bonn, ...
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Restatement of Restitution Rules for Nazi-Confiscated Art
Schauspielhaus Bonn / ...
07:30 PM - 08:30 PM
998 haben sich 42 Staaten auf die »Grundsätze der Washingtoner Konferenz in Bezug auf Kunstwerke, die von den Nationalsozialisten beschlagnahmt wurden ...

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